
The second member of the new pantheon to surface in North America is the being known as the God-Eater. His history is unknown before his first reported appearance less than a year ago. A Great Horned Dragon had used magic and psionics to enslave a diverse population of dinosaurs in the former Florida Everglades. The dragon, named Colastra, used these dinosaurs as his army and forced every humanoid within his range to worship him as a god, paying tributes and sacrificing their own population to him. During one of these sacrifices, a heavily tattooed human walked out of the brutal swamp and directly towards the ancient dragon. Colastra put every one of his dinosaur minions between the intruder and himself and everyone perished, beaten to death. When the human finally reached the altar where Colastra perched, he grabbed the dragon by his great horns and spit black flame into the beast's face, leaving only a charred skull attached to a lifeless body. All of the former slaves fled, and spread the story of the juggernaught from the swamp, and spreading his message. During the entire battle the God-Eater spoke four words, repeating them over and over like a mantra, "Worship Not False Idols."
Since that time the God-Eater has been spotted slowly making his may north. Word of this second "New God" has made it's way to both Atlantis and the Federation of Magic and it has made both parties extremely nervous. More than just his mission, but his rumored invulnerabilities have been the topic of many hushed conversations.

REAL NAME: Unknown
ALIGNMENT: Unknown, but has shown signs of either Aberrant or Unprincipled. He is entirely too brutal in his methods to be considered good, but has not harmed any innocent bystanders. To be honest, he has never given any indication that he has ever even noticed them.
S.D.C.: See M.D.C.
M.D.C.: 6400
SIZE: 9 feet (2.7m) tall
WEIGHT: 700 pounds (315kg)
SPECIES: Unknown. Either minor God or powerful Godling
ATTRIBUTES: I.Q.: 19, M.E.: 24, M.A.: 18, P.S.: 65*, P.P.: 30, P.E.: 40*, P.B.:10, Spd.: 40. Attributes followed by an asterisk are to be considered supernatural.
DISPOSITION: The God-Eater is only human in appearance. He has never spoken more words than the four, and does not speak, converse, or threaten. He does not respond to bribery, compliments, threats, or anything else. The God-Eater only walks and destroys false gods and alien intelligences. His desires and goals are completely unknown, as are his intended targets.
HORROR FACTOR: 13 for those just seeing him.15 for fake gods and alien intelligences EXPERIENCE LEVEL: 13th level Godling

NATURAL ABILITIES: The God-Eater possesses the following special abilities

Special- Impervious to Magic: The God-Eater is completely immune to all forms of magic. He cannot be seen, stopped, slowed, damaged, healed, contacted, or communicated with by any form of magic. Techno-wizard weapons as well as magic cast by rune weapons do no damage whatsoever. Magic melee weapons only inflict half of their normal damage. This includes Techno-wizard, mystic, rune, enchanted weapons, or weapons made by the mystic Kuznya. It is this ability that has caused the greatest distress among would be victims.
Special- Perfect Recall: This is a more powerful version of the Psionic ability Total Recall. Not only does the user not forget numbers and faces but everything that they see hear and feel. All that is required is that the God-Eater experiences something, then that event is stored and can be recalled flawlessly at anytime in the future.
Special- Cleansing Hellfire: A variation on the diefic ability of Hellfire only it is more powerfull and does not cost the God-eater anything to perform (i.e. body investment, PPE). Damage is an astounding 1D6x100 MDC and range is line of sight to up to one mile (1.6km) away. Rate of fire is limited to once per minute. The Hellfire is emitted from the God-Eater's mouth.
Special- Aura of Destruction: Another variation on another diefic power, this time the Mobile Sphere of Destruction. This is most easily described as a combination of the Mobile Sphere of Destruction and the spell Armor of Ithan. It does not confer any additional M.D.C. but does offer considerable protection. While this power is active the user is covered by a translucent black aura that inflicts 2D4x10MD to all that come in contact with it. This includes weapons, armor, trees, or any other thing that it touches. It is limited to one use (duration is one hour) per 24 hour period.
The God-eater also posses the following abilities: Nightvision 1000 feet (305m), impervious to normal cold, impervious to normal heat and fire, bio-regenerates 1D6x100MDC per melee round, and is impervious to Horror Factor.

COMBAT SKILLS: Hand to Hand: Wrestling plus Kickboxing and Boxing.
NUMBER OF ATTACKS: Seven attacks/actions per melee round
BONUSES: + 9 to strike, +12 to parry, +15 to dodge, +11 to roll with punch/impact, +7 to flip opponent, +5 to lock, +12 to maintain balance, critical strike on any roll of 18-20, and +25 to any lock/pin/crush damage.
ENEMIES: Anyone pretending to be a god (good or evil!), any alien intelligence, or their minions. No one is safe.
DESCRIPTION: A nine foot tall (2.7m) humanoid with a bald head and a light beard. One arm is completely covered with tattoos in some ancient language. No one has ever gotten close enough for long enough to identify the language, much less translate them (-99% to translate). His chest is covered in ragged chain-mail armor. He is built like a classic wrestler, powerful and compact (even though he is over 9 feet tall), with an inherent economy of motion. He is brutal and wastes no time going for the killing blow straight away in any contest.
WEAPONS & EQUIPMENT: None. Does not need or want money, belongings, or any other earthly desire.

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