
REAL NAME: Ethan Warchilde
ALIGNMENT: Miscreant
M.D.C.: 500- Bio-tanium skin
SIZE: 6'8 WEIGHT: 300lbs
SPECIES: Genetically altered Human mutant
ATTRIBUTES: I.Q. 22, M.E. 33, M.A. 19, P.S. 36, P.P. 36, P.E. 28, P.B. 12, Spd. 50
DISPOSITION: A heartless and cruel warrior that never speaks and kills without thought. Longing only for bloodshed and violence, Ethan Warchilde's life as a soldier and trained assassin has prepared him perfectly for his second life as one of the Chosen.
HORROR FACTOR: 14, 16 when blades are released
EXPERIENCE LEVEL: 8th level Special Forces
NATURAL ABILITIES: Through exposure to gene-altering factors during childhood and Eschelon's tampering, Warchilde was granted a number of super-human abilities.

1. Blades- Warchilde can make a blade, of any size or shape, form from any part of his body. This amazing feat renders Warchilde into a virtually invulnerable killing machine. Blades can be as large as four feet long and can cause up to 2D6x10MD with a single strike.
2. Control Metal- The ability to change, shape, and effect metal with a mere thought. The metal is altered at a molecular level and can be manipulated to perform numerous spectacular feats
-Takes no damage from rail-guns or similar projectile weapons
-Can lift up to 5 tons of metal by thought alone
-Can liquefy metal by touching it
-Need only look at metal to effect it
3. Bio-Tanium control- unlike the other Chosen, Violence can effect his own Bio-tanium skin. He can make it regress into an almost invisible band around his waist that is easily concealed beneath clothing
COMBAT SKILLS: Hand to Hand: Judo plus Boxing
BONUSES: +8 initiative, +10 strike (+13w/blade), +11 parry and dodge (+15 parry w/blades), +8 vs. Psionics, +6 vs. magic, +4 roll, Impervious to horror factor
PSIONICS: Sixth Sense, Presence Sense, See Aura, Sense Magic, Detect Psionics, Alter Aura, Empathy, Empathic Transmission, and Telemechanics. ISP: 82
ALLIES: Only Justice and Eschelon
ENEMIES: Everyone else
DESCRIPTION: In his chosen guise Warchilde looks like a giant, faceless Cyborg. The face changes with the fears of his opponents. At the moment violence erupts, dozens of blades pop from his body and he lashes out at everything within touch.
NOTE: Ethan Warchilde is totally INSANE. He is a violent, semi-functional, homicidal maniac. When he is not locked in his chamber in Mad-Haven, he is engrossed in acts of murder, and even when he is locked in his room he is training for his next killing spree.

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